

Personal views on society, culture, politics, policy, church, religion and people

Knowledge: to know or to know how to know?

One of the most dreaded forms of examination in medical school was viva (short for viva voce which means oral interviews). Here, in a face-to-face interview with your examiners you are asked questions from within (and even outside) the curriculum and are expected to...

A brief perspective on Caroline Elton’s book: Also human – the inner lives of doctors

I first met Caroline Elton at a medical conference late last year. Her biography as she was introduced as the next speaker was resounding; an occupational and counselling psychologist specializing in career counselling, with decades of experience behind her. No sooner...

The books I read in 2023

2023 was my fourth consecutive year of 'aiming' to read one book each month. I started in March 2020; so far so good. I wrote a similar article last year summarizing the books I read the previous year (The books I read in 2022). Here's a summary of the books I read in...
Scarcity in abundance: the irony of time

Scarcity in abundance: the irony of time

Recently, I was asked if I often felt like I rushed to complete tasks, as if I was always racing against time. Many years ago, an old university classmate asked a similar question. He wondered if, just like him, I felt an extra hour should be added to each day to...

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The books I read in 2022

The books I read in 2022

Three years ago, in March 2020 precisely, I took the conscious decision to rekindle my lost habit of reading books. Although I wouldn't describe myself as an avid reader, when I was much younger I had read quite a few compared to my peers. My childhood and adolescence...

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The Psychology of Successful Ageing

The Psychology of Successful Ageing

In recent times, I have found myself fascinated with ageing and the process of ageing. I am particularly interested in the determinants of longevity and the psychology of older people, that is, what makes them live long and what goes on in their mind as they get...

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